貓貓 (狗狗) 乖乖入寵物袋? 😎
How to put cat in carrier

一眾貓奴要帶主子出街,可能是世上其中一件苦差。拎住個寵物袋 (或者寵物籠),一叫貓貓 (或狗狗) 個名,佢就跑得快過Usain Bolt (一百米短跑世界記錄保持者)? 捉都捉佢唔住? 其實唔洗捉既…
It could be a hassle to try to bring your cat (or dog) to the vet. Whenever you softly ask your beloved pet to get into the carrier, your pet will just flee like a missile or run faster than Mr. Bolt (the 100 meter world record holder)? Well, it won’t be all necessary if there is proper planning prior.
大作戰其之一 🤩
溶入主子的生活 讓它 (寵物袋) 成為牠生活中的一部份
Mission 1, let it (the carrier) become part of your pet’s everyday routine
將寵物袋放出來, 不要只帶貓貓或狗狗出街才拿出來. 最理想的做法, 是把寵物袋放在貓貓或狗狗跟您玩遊戲的地方. 讓貓貓或狗狗在寵物袋留下佢地自己的氣味. 避免放在貓貓或狗狗平時進食 (或去大小便) 的地方, 以免主子把食物 (正餐 / 廁所) 同寵物袋聯想起來.
Put your carrier to where you used to play with your cat/dog, ideally avoid the where your pet’s dinning place or near it’s toilet. By doing this could avoid your furry friend confusing carrier linked to food or poo.
大作戰其之二 🤩🤩
Mission 2, let your furry friend plays in the carrier
當貓貓或狗狗不抗拒寵物袋的存在後, 在玩遊戲時”不經意”的拋玩具或零食入袋內, 吸引貓狗入內”參觀”. 日子有功, 貓貓就會好自然的在出行當日, 入寵物袋內搵佢喜歡的零食/玩具了.
When your pet gets used to the presence of the carrier, and do not misjudge the carrier is an alien spaceship, you can proceed to next level: to spend time play with your pets near or even put their beloved toys or treats into the carrier. After some time you will see that the pet is no longer resistant to your carrier!
大作戰其之三 🤩🤩🤩
Mission 3, get your pet to the vet (and do nothing!)
選擇去獸醫之前的日子 (不是預約睇獸醫當日), 帶貓貓或狗狗去獸醫診所. 去到診所後, 什麼都不用做, 讓貓貓感覺一下那個診所的氣氛/氣味. 打開貓袋, 不用放佢出來 (如果佢想出來, 都可以出來行行的) 就這樣待著10-15分鐘, 溫柔的摸摸, 餵少許零食. 要離開時, 跟牠說: “我地走喇~”, 然後入袋, 回家.
Pick a date prior to actual booking with the vet, gently ask your pet to get into the carrier, and when you are at the vet, you can simply spend time with your furry friend, give them lots of petting, playing and perhaps a bit of treats. This way your pet will get used to the atmosphere of the clinic and no longer finds they are on an alien planet.
預定作戰之日, 只需要好隨便的喚貓貓入袋, 去獸醫診所就可以了. 要貓貓乖乖入袋? 就係咁簡單~ 嘻嘻~ 😎
Phew, finally the day of judgment (ahem), I mean the actual date for booking with the vet, you can follow the same drill and whoa-la, simple as that! Heh! 😏
之不過… 世事豈能盡如人意… 🙄
Yeah… I know… there is no perfection in this world… 🤣
小編絕對理解唔係每位貓奴都有空閒時間做到以上一、二、三點的. 咁點算? 我地可以參考這位獸醫的”幪眼入袋大法”:
We fully understand you are a successful business person and do not have time to follow the above suggestions. Please try the “blind superman” shown in the video below. Do not attempt if you are not completely familiar with all the steps, some cats have good memory and it could take months to regain trust if you tip him off with the carrier.
- 把貓袋/飛機籠放在枱面, 近您腰部的位置
Place the carrier at waist level securely. - 如YouTube視頻所示範, 一手幪著貓貓的雙眼, 一手抱著貓貓 (把貓貓的前腳掃向前方), 輕力的把牠的前半身放入袋 (抱起貓貓後, 不要給貓貓聽到或看到寵物袋), 然後溫柔的用您的腰, ”半推半就” 的推牠的下半身入袋/籠 (別讓牠後退出來). 然後關袋/門.
Hold your cat with one hand with confidence, use the other hand to cover their eyes, do not let them see the carrier at the first place. Gently “glide” the frontal body of your pet into the carrier; lean your body to the rear of your pet to avoid it backs out from the carrier. Softly close the carrier.
這個做法好直接了當, 但是難免貓貓/狗狗會在去程和回程時不停的向您投訴 (笑). 😆
The side-effect of this superman thingy would probably be hearing lots of complains from your beloved pet during the journey, heh… 😂🤣
係唔係唔太複雜呢? 咁仲唔快啲買個靚靚貓袋/飛機籠! (笑)
So you see, there is no such thing as mission impossible, just a bit of patience and practice, everyone can do it.
One For Pets 輕便寵物背包
Ibiyaya 超輕寵物袋
IRIS BL460 輕巧型手提籠
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