天然幼犬乾糧比較 Puppy Dry Dog Food Comparison

  • Post last modified:2025-03-14
  • Post category:寵物飼養百科


大家好!承小編上一篇幼犬幾時轉食成犬糧文章,希望一眾爸爸、媽媽已對狗糧有了基本的了解,仲未睇?咁就要撳嚟睇吓啦,多謝!市面上有好多唔同牌子的天然幼犬糧,隻隻牌子都話自己好,到底有冇咩標準的呢?小編經常都遇到客人問: “邊隻幼犬糧岩我狗狗?”、”幼犬糧邊隻好?” 或者 “有冇邊隻幼犬糧推薦?”,為咗幫助一眾新手爸爸媽媽,小編綜合了市面上熱門的牌子的幼犬糧,好讓一眾新手爸爸、媽媽有一個比較清晰的對照。正所謂數字冇得呃人,小編由生產商 / 代理商盡力搵到已發佈的成份資料,加以整理,做了這個純粹比較的文章出嚟。希望大家會覺得呢篇文章有用,謝謝大家對 BC Pets 的支持!

Thank you so much for visiting BC Pets website! We are your one-stop pet food and accessories shop. This blog compares the well-known puppy food brands in Hong Kong. We address the questions like ”Which type of dog food is good for my puppy?” or “Do you have any recommendations on puppy food?”. To save your time on “Learn By Doing”, we gathered all the published information, from the pet food manufacturer to the authorized distributor in Hong Kong. The goal is to provide you with complete and unbiased information so that you can have a better idea of what your new furry friend is going to eat. So let’s rumble!

一包幼犬狗糧最緊要留意咩?What information should I consider?

幼犬由一出世開始快速成長成為狗 BB ,最需要就係蛋白質、脂肪同埋纖維,所以我哋先睇吓呢三個主要成份在各個牌子的含量:
Since the day our new furry friend was born, they are having a metabolic burst so they can grow quickly from palm-size into adult dogs in only 12 months. For this reason, the most important things are crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber. Please click the thumbnail below to view the full-size chart.

幼犬糧的蛋白質-脂肪-纖維的比較 Puppy Food - One Page comparison (3 major factors)
各熱門品牌的幼犬糧的蛋白質、脂肪及纖維的比對圖 (點按放大)

想要詳盡的資料對比一下?Do you want more details?😎

Sure thing, the chart below is the one-page detailed information indicating the brands available from our shop. Click to view a full-size chart.

一頁睇清各牌子的幼犬糧資料 Puppy Food - One Page comparison

點選擇好?OK, Feeling a bit dizzy after reading the above detailed charts?🥴

其實每包糧個個都唔同描述,點知道佢係唔係無穀物?係唔係單一蛋白?包糧的味道又啱唔啱您的狗狗?邊隻牌子最低磷質?邊隻牌子的糧最富含 Omega-3 ?唔洗擔心,小編已整理好一頁睇清楚您心裡想問的問題啦~嗯。。。都係唔太清楚?可以直接撳右下方的彈彈吓的綠色制WhatsApp我哋,我哋嘅同事樂於解答您的問題!
The simplified chart is shown below (such as the flavor of the food; whether it’s grain-free or not) to help you choose the best fit for your puppy! For example, the AATU puppy food has the highest Omega-3 content while it’s the only Single Protein Diet on the list! Or, are you looking for the puppy food that contains the lowest Phosphorus? Let’s click the link below to find out:

一頁睇清楚每個牌子的幼犬糧的味道 Puppy Food - Major ingredients comparison

最高 Omega-3 及 乳酸乳球菌的幼犬糧:
AATU Salmon for Puppy Dry Dog Food 無穀物三文魚幼犬配方狗糧
最高 Omega-6 含量的幼犬糧:
Wellness CORE puppy 無穀物幼犬配方狗糧
Oven-Baked 奧雲寶 Puppy Chicken Recipe 幼犬狗糧

一包糧食幾多日?邊隻狗糧抵食?What is the daily cost for my puppy? And how long will that bag of puppy food last?😉

其實有部分牌子的糧咁貴一包,一日剩係糧的支出咪好貴?如果係大型犬種,因為體力消耗大,補充都需要大一點,所以的確係每日的成本係會高一點點,但係相對我地每日嘅一日三餐嘅成本,其實所要花的錢比您想像的要少呢!小編幫您準備好一個比較表,詳列了每個幼犬糧的每天應該食幾多,每天計起上嚟又要幾多錢,同埋一包糧可以大約食幾多日,等各爸爸媽媽心中有數 (留意返: 小編係以一隻大約 6 個月大的 5 磅重的幼犬食量去計算的);其實睇返資料,一包貴價的糧,每日的成本未必係一定最貴的啊!(笑)😂
Let’s look at the chart below. When you compare the daily cost of puppy food to their regular diet food, you will be surprised to discover how cheap is the daily expense. The chart shows that the weight of a 6-month old puppy is about 5 lbs. We understand that every puppy is unique. You will get a better idea of the costs across different brands in the chart.

每個牌子的幼犬糧的每日餵食份量及每日大約成本 Puppy Food - One Page comparison (Cost)
係唔係好想知道一包貴嘅糧係唔係 zoom 一聲就食晒? 即刻撳呢個圖啦~

So you will see, the daily cost for your puppy is much less than your breakfast! Phew! What a relief… heh! 😻🤩
以下係最 “抵食” 的幼犬糧:
Fromm Gold Puppy 福摩金裝幼犬(雞鴨羊魚菜)狗糧
Happy Dog Mini Baby & Junior 小型初生及幼犬狗糧
Oven-Baked Puppy Chicken Recipe 奧雲寶幼犬狗糧

We hope the charts help you to make the right choice for your new beloved furry friend. Enjoy every love-filled moment with your puppy. Cheers!

PS. The links below are for the captioned puppy food for your reference.
呢度有晒今次幼犬糧的連結 (排名不分先後):
AATU Salmon for Puppy Dry Dog Food 無穀物三文魚幼犬配方狗糧
Acana愛肯拿 Heritage Puppy Small Breed 小型幼犬狗糧2kg
Canidae咖比(卡比) PURE Foundations 無穀物幼犬配方狗糧
Fish4Dogs海洋之星 Superior Puppy Complete 海洋升級系列 三文魚幼犬配方狗糧(細粒)
Fromm Gold 金裝幼犬(雞鴨羊魚菜)狗糧
Happy Dog Mini Baby & Junior 小型初生及幼犬狗糧
NOW FRESH!™ 無穀物全犬種幼齡狗糧配方(火雞, 三文魚, 鴨肉)
Orijen渴望 無穀物雞肉 (幼犬) 配方狗糧
Oven-Baked 奧雲寶 Puppy Chicken Recipe 幼犬狗糧
Solid Gold素力高 Love at First Bark Puppy 無穀物幼犬乾狗糧
Wellness CORE puppy 無穀物幼犬配方狗糧

我哋仲有好多文章,可能幫到您解答到一般的養貓 / 狗的問題的啊~😘