ZIWI® Peak風乾狗糧是一隻頂級風乾糧。
一. 即開即食,不用加水。 (但各家長請緊記必須在狗糧旁放一碗清潔的飲用水)
二. 高鮮肉及內臟含量。
三. 單一蛋白膳食。(除了鯖魚及羊肉配方)
四. 無穀物。不加糖。不加甘油。不使用基因改造、抗生素或生長促進劑。
五. 肉味香濃,挑食狗狗的救星。
六. 3 KG 的材料製成 1 KG 的成品。
ZIWI® Peak Air-Dried Dog Food is a premium dog food. This dog food has number of advantages:
I. Instant serving, no water to be added prior serving. (Please have a bowl of clean drinking water near the dog food at all times)
II. High meat and poultry giblet content.
III. Single Protein Diet. (Except Mackerel & Lamb Recipe)
IV. Grain Free Diet. No Added Sugar. No Added Glycerin. GMO-Free. No antibiotics or growth promotants.
V. Rich flavor even the pickiest furry friend couldn’t resist.
VI. 3 KG of raw material to make 1 KG of finished product.
點按下方縮圖以觀看原整圖片 (Tap/click on below to view original size feeding guide)